Monday, 7 May 2012

Gentle Wake Alarm Clock

Gentle wake alarm clock

On a cold Monday morning, the last thing you want waking you up is a screeching alarm clock! But what alternative is there? Well one of the best products on the market right now is the gentle wake alarm clock. Without a screeching bell, a gentle wake alarm clock does exactly what its name tells us, it wakes us up gently and unobtrusively. 

There are really two choices when considering which gentle wake alarm clock to buy. First is a sound clock, where you are woken up by gentle music or sounds. The second is the sunlight alarm clock, which works by imitating a sunrise. Both are fantastic, and are discussed below:

Sound Soother Alarm Clock

Alarm clocks, such as the Sound Soother (pictured), have many different relaxing sounds to choose from, such as surf, rainforests, ocean, chimes etc. All manner of different soothing sounds to wake up to. They can also be set to fall asleep to, if you like to relax to certain sounds before settling down. A backlight for the clock is included also, and is therefore a great alternative to the traditional ‘sudden’ alarm clock.

Sunrise alarm clock

An alternative to the purely ‘soothing sound’ based alarm clock is the sunrise clock. These work by simulating a sunrise. The light comes on gradually over thirty minutes, allowing your body to gently wake up in a more natural fashion, rather than suddenly responding to a loud beep. An example would be the Philips wake up, a first class light alarm clock. The light is fully adjustable, so you can set your own levels.

Similar to the sound soother, the light can be set to dim as you head off to sleep if you wish. This gentle wake alarm clock also features sounds if you want the extra reassurance that it will wake you up! You have the choice of natural sounds like those found on the sound soother, or you could set it as a radio alarm clock. At first this would be a good choice, until you get used to waking up from just the light.

A sunrise alarm clock can help you wake up in a better mood with a more energized feel. Once you get used to a gentle wake alarm clock, be it purely sound based, or a sunrise clock, you won’t want to return to the days of loud buzzers and beeps!

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